Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yearly Appointments

Hello all! I'm already not keeping up as much as planned, but am trying to get better. LOL. Things have been going very well around here. Finally making some progress on our wedding plans and will be putting down a deposit for our ceremony next week!! =) Carter has been doing amazingly well at school and we are proud to announce that he's learned all of his sight words and has been reading beginner books on his own like crazy the past few days!! Reading seemed to just 'click' with him one day and has been unstoppable since. I love seeing him so excited about reading, it's wonderful. The picture above is from his school make up picture day, he insisted on wearing his Thriller jacket. We saw "This is It" the night before and he LOVED the movie and got back into Michael Jackson mode. lol

Carter had his annual follow-up appointments with his local Neurologist/MDA clinic last week and then with Cardiology on Tuesday of this week. All is going very well with him. He met with a respiratory therapist through the MDA clinic and was able to do pulmonary function tests for the first time; his numbers were all within normal. We also got a prescription for his first manual wheelchair. Carter is actually very excited about it and looking forward to being able to use that in place of his stroller for places that involve a lot of walking. Hopefully the approval process won't take too long. We're not sure if we will be able to go to Cincinnati next year, but he's due to see Neurology again in May and then will do his annual echo and Cardiology appointments again in October of next year. Next month he will be seeing his Endocrinologist as well as Allergy/Pulm. I will let you all know how those appts go. It's so nice to finally be in a stage where we're essentially just checking in with his specialists and not having major issues that need to be addressed. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great site and Carter is a handsome guy! Can I put a link on my site for your blog?

    Mark in MT
